What If Coaching


What If Coaching uses a variety of tools from different disciplines such as traditional training as well as NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and psychometric tools.

Athina is a qualified Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) practitioner with OPP UK, a Realise 2 strengths profiler practitioner with Capp EU and a Neurolinguistic Practitioner (NLP) with Capp EU.
"Athina's most pronounced feature is her ability to achieve a sense of harmony between opposing features of her being. She displays a strong outcome orientation and bias for action yet achieves equilibrium with her values and ability to relate to others with genuine empathy. She is a high achiever who builds alliances and credits her colleagues for their effort and contribution."

Dan Kerkel - QVC UK

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

What is it?

NLP is a methodology with a lot of techniques that Athina is trained to use during her individual and team coaching sessions always with the permission of the coachee.

The official definition of NLP is the study of subjective experience.  Subjective experience means how we experience, make sense of the world we believe we are in.

NLP is a total approach to discovering the structure behind someone’s behaviour, to discover how he or she experiences the world.

Neuro  –  NLP has to do with the brain and with other neurological systems in our body
Linguistic  –  NLP is about other ways in which we process information using the five senses and things like “gut instinct”
Programming  –  NLP teaches how we can programme and re-programme our brain in to having more helpful thoughts, reactions and behaviour patterns.

Ethical use of NLP

Athina uses the NLP methodology in a very ethical way always asking permission form the individual. It is used in a very pragmatic way mainly for outcomes / goal setting and values identification.

Realise 2 Strengths Profiler

What is it?

The Realise 2 (R2) Strengths Profiler is a tool that helps individuals and teams to gain more insight about their unique strengths.

How is it used?

The individual is asked to complete an online questionnaire via a link. The R2 works by asking the individual to rate 60 attributes according to how energising s/he finds them, how good s/he is at them and how often s/he uses them. The responses are scored and produce a report that gives insights to the individual’s 60 strengths.

A 90minutes feedback session is organised with Athina to debrief the report and create an Action Plan based on the individual’s goals. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain hands on information about your individual strengths and start applying them straight away!

Who is it for?

This is a tool that Athina is using either in her one to one coaching sessions with individuals or as a part of a team development session with organisations.

As part of a team development day this is an excellent opportunity for teams to gain insights about their collective strengths and areas of improvement.  This is a fantastic workshop for organisations to have fun, bond as a team and set an action plan to achieve their strategic business objectives.

Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI)

What is it?

The Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric tool used for personal development and growth. It helps people to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how they interact with others, hitting at the heart of who they are and inspiring them to significantly increase their effectiveness.

It has a broad spectrum of applications such as:
  • Sales and negotiation skills
  • Improving working relationships,
  • Development of leadership style
  • Improving communication
  • Helping manage change
  • Understanding reactions to stress
  • Understanding emotional intelligence
  • Problem solving
  • Assertiveness and conflict resolution
  • Career management

How is it used?

The individual is asked to complete an online questionnaire via a link. The individual agrees in advance with Athina in which context s/he wishes to use the MBTI report. A 90minute feedback session is then arranged to debrief the report and set an Action Plan for development. The insights of the session can be used immediately!

Who is it for?

This is for anyone who wishes to gain more insights about themselves, improve their self-awareness.
This is a fantastic tool for organisations as it delivers reliable personality insights, helping to drive tangible improvements to working relationships and productivity for individuals, teams and whole organisations.
It can be used as part of a team building session.
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